Grand Chapter United Scottish Royal Arch Freemasonry in India and Ceylon, (Grand Chapter USRAFIC, also called 'Royal Arch District of India & Ceylon') is a governing body for Scottish Royal Arch Chapters in India. It was established in 1838 and more currently has 25 Royal Arch Chapters under its jurisdiction in various cities of India.

Grand Chapter USRAFIC, operates under the jurisdiction of The Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland which was founded in 1817. The uniqueness of Scottish Chapters is that there are a varying number of appendant degrees attached to each Scottish Chapter. In most other constitutions, these degrees come under a multitude of seperate Orders and jursidictions.

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What is Royal Arch Masonry?

Royal Arch Masonry expands upon the teachings of the Craft degrees (Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master Mason). It is sometimes referred to as the "Fourth Degree" of Freemasonry. It is considered by many to be the culmination of more the three Craft degrees of Freemasonry.

It is also refered to as the 'finishing school' to retrieve that which was lost in the Master Masons degree, thereby 'completing' ones Masonic knowledge.

To become a Royal Arch Mason, a candidate must first be a Master Mason in good standing in a regular Masonic Lodge.

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Why should I join Royal Arch Masonry?

Completion of the Masonic Journey: Royal Arch Masonry is often seen as the completion of the Master Mason degree, offering a sense of fulfillment and progression within Freemasonry. It adds another layer of knowledge and more experience to one's Masonic journey.

A Scottish Royal Arch Chapter has many degrees that are not worked in other constitutions. There are many beautiful and moving rituals which are full of symbolism and meaning. Joining a Scottish Royal Arch Chapter is a great way to experience this ritual and further ones knowledge about the history and traditions of Freemasonry within a single body.

It is important to note that the decision to join a Chapter should be based on personal interest and alignment with its values rather than external expectations. It is recommended to explore and understand the requirements fully before making a further commitment.

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